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This is a pre-order product and will be delivered approx. 02/12/2023

Free Range Boneless Christmas Ham - Pre-order

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1 left

Mini Christmas hams are boneless and are smoked and cooked, ready for you to warm and glaze (glaze not included) or just eat cold.  We recommend you leave hams in their vacuum packaging until you are ready to eat. 

Micro 1kg ham - serves 2-4 
Mini 2kg ham - serves 6-8

Woody’s heritage, pasture raised pigs graze and roam in the foothills of the Tararua ranges. And you can taste the love and care that has gone into raising them. They are guaranteed free range for the entirety of their lives.

Hams are available for delivery from December 13th

Because it is a pre-order product, once ordered the item will only show on your account 3 weeks prior to the delivery date. In the meantime it will be visible under 'Recurring Items'.
Woody's Free Range

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